As we are a licenced cattery, all cats boarded should be vaccinated against Feline Infectious Enteritis and upper respiratory infections (Cat Flu), as regulated by the Government vet. An UP-TO-DATE certificate must be produced when your cat is brought in (ie vaccinated within the last 12 months).
Unneutered males over 7 months old will not be accepted.
No cats suffering or suspected of suffering from any infections or contagious diseases can be admitted (unless being treated with medication). The owner reserves the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health pending advice from a veterinary surgeon. This is essential in order to safeguard the health of all cats boarded. If your cat has a medical condition or special needs please discuss its individual requirements with us at the time of booking.
Whilst every care and precaution is taken during boarding, responsibility can only be accepted at the owner’s risk.
If your cat becomes ill during it’s stay with us, we will take it to the vet where it is registered. A charge of £10.00 will be made for transport. All vets’ fees will be charged directly to the owner.
We ask all our clients to ensure all worming and flea treatments are up to date before boarding here to prevent any risk of infection to others. If we find that they have worms or fleas, they will be treated in the cattery at cost price per treatment.
The balance of all boarding fees and any other charges are payable on collection of the cat at the end of its stay.